BaCAD Steel List Barcodes Transcription API

version 0.2 (beta)


Welcome to the API documentation service transcript BaCAD barlists! This service offers a simple interface to extract data from a BaCAD barlist quickly, thanks to the translation of Barcode 2D.

BaCAD uses standard exchange data format BVBS.

Usage Restrictions


The service is protected by HTTP Basic authentication (user / password pair) system. This identification is required to use each of the features described in this document.


The API returns barlist data detecting / decoding barcodes inside. You send the barlist in various formats:

  • Pdf (Portable Document Format)
  • Images
    • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
    • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

This document describes the required format of the URLs and parameters available.

A URL request to the service must be in the following form:
ou (secure SSL connection)


Except for the document, each parameter can be specified either in the URL (method GET) and then posted as given (method POST). The parameters are:

  • format: output format
  • uploadedfile: document
  • output options

Output format

Output format is specified by the parameter 'format'. The API actually support the following output formats:

  • xml returns the results in XML form in a content node <SteelListResponse>
  • abs (Allgemeine-Bewehrungs-Schnittstelle) returns the results as ASCII (according the standard BVBS)


The document must be sent to the site according to the method POST of the HTTP protocol, identified by 'uploadedfile'.

Output options

Output options allow to enable/disable generation of additional data within the result:

  • Parameter 'posBvbs' equals '1' indicates that the service should include BVBS data (for each bar)
  • Parameter 'barXml' equals '1' indicates that the service should include XML data (for each bar)



For each valid request, the service returns a response 'SteelListResponse' in the format specified in the request URL. Each response contains the following:

  • A status code status, which could be:
    • OK indicating that the request was successful
    • AUTH_FAILED indicating that the user ID has failed (pair user/password)
    • INVALID_REQUEST indicating that the request was not well-formatted
    • INVALID_API_KEY indicating that the key to use the API is incorrect
    • INVALID_FILE_TYPE indicating the type of the posted file is supported
    • FILE_OVER_SIZE_LIMIT indicating that the posted file is too large (oversized)
    • FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR indicating a download error
    • INTERNAL_ERROR indicating an internal error of the service
    • UNKNOWN_ERROR indicating an unknown error
  • An item document containing the items describing the project properties
    • An item project indicating the project's name
    • An item division indicating the division's name
  • A table of results (pages) containing:
    • An item num indiquant le numéro de la page
    • An item thumbnail indiquant l'URL (partiel) vers l'aperçu (image) de la page
    • A table of positions (pos) containing:
      • An item num indicating the number of the position
      • An item bvbs indicating the BVBS code of the position
      • An item bar containing the items describing the characteristics of the bar
        • An item type indicating the type of the bar 2D, 3D, etc. Values could be the followings:
          • BF2D indicating une bar 2D
          • BF3D indicating une bar 3D
          • BFWE indicating une barh helix
        • A table of items dimension containing the items describing each bar's segement (according to its type)
          • Bar 2D
            • An item length indicating the length of the segment
            • An item radius indicating the radius of an arc segment (0 if straght segment)
            • An item angle indicating the angle value between the segement and the previous segment
          • Bar 3D
            • An item x indicating the first component of the vector of the segment
            • An item y indicating the second component of the vector of the segment
            • An item z indicating the third component of the vector of the segment
          • Bar helix
            • An item radius indicating the radius of the circle described by the helix
            • An item number indicating the number of loops described by the helix
            • An item spacing indicating the spacing between each rotations described by the helix


Here an example of an Xml reply:


The format of the bar's dimensions depends on the type of the bar: Here an example for standard bar in 2D (type BF2D):


Here an example for standard bar in 3D (type BF3D):


Here an example for helix (type BFWE):


ABS example:



A Html page is available for service tests: clic here.